Vision & Mission



Educational Ministry of the Hazaribag Province envisions the integral growth of our students which will transform them to be men and women for and with others as persons of competence, conscience, and compassion, committed to building a just society.



The Educational Mission of Hazaribag Province is to:
a) give quality education to all our students, preferentially to those who are poor and marginalized,
b) instill in our better off students a real love and concern for the poor,
c) foster in our students, staff and parents a sensitivity and openness to our multi-religious and multicultural context and an attitude of care for the environment,
d) share our cherished Jesuit tradition with the staff to enable them to accompany the students in their growth,
e) invite our alumni/ae and guardians to be partners in our educational mission,
f) encourage educational research, and
g) collaborate and network with the dioceses, other religious, lay persons, government and other educational bodies for the promotion of our educational mission.



Quality Education for all our students


a) Careful selection of teachers
b) Carefully worked out admission policy
c) Keeping to a reasonable number of students in each class
d) Regular accompaniment of students by teachers
e) Stressing excellence in languages (esp. Hindi and English)
f) Appropriate physical facilities
g) Supervision of teaching
h) Evaluation of teaching.
i) Ongoing formation of teachers
j) Mentoring and career counseling
k) Cooperative learning
l) Our own syllabus up to class eight

Option for the poor and marginalized


a) Preference in admission in our institutions
b) Teaching methods proper for building up self-esteem and fostering joy in learning.
c) Activities focused on building up students' self-confidence
d) Showing respect for students as persons
e) Welcoming, accepting atmosphere in our schools
f) Regular accompaniment of students by teachers
g) Avoidance of punishment that can cause physical, emotional, or psychological injury
h) Proper hostel facilities where necessary
i) Understand and remedy the reason for lack of motivation in our target groups

Competence in English especially in Hindi medium schools


a) Establish a language lab in PTEC
b) Give teacher trainee’s extra English courses for the mastery of the language
c) Show preference to persons fluent in English for appointment in our schools.
d) Have two streams (English and Hindi) in our schools if feasible and required
e) Adapt for Hindi medium schools the methods of teaching found effective elsewhere
f) Follow the guidelines of the Diocesan Research Centre on syllabus and methods of teaching English

Instilling in our better off students a real love and concern for the poor


a) Service learning programmes (focus on the neighborhood)
b) Helping poor, weaker students
c) Changing condescending attitudes
d) Social awareness programs
e) Sharing school facilities with those who do not have those facilities

Educating our students in a multi religious, multi cultural society


a) Programs to help staff and students to become aware of their own prejudices b) Mentoring programs c) Media education d) A prayer room in the school where all can pray e) School assemblies to inform about and celebrate different feasts, cultures
f) Use of prayers from different religions in school assemblies.

Care for the environment


a) Teaching of environmental studies
b) Have an active taru mitra unit in the school
c) Celebrate environmental day and ecology/ tree-planting week.
d) Water harvesting, use of solar and other renewable sources of energy in the campus
e) Have a plastic free campus
f) Spread environmental awareness in the neighborhood
g) Encourage walking, cycling rather than motor cycles
h) Use low energy lighting.

Active alumni/ae associations


a) Form alumni/ae associations in our high schools (if not yet formed) with an appropriate constitution.
b) Students may be required to pay the alumni/ae association membership fee while taking their school leaving certificates after board exams
c) Have definite projects of the association
d) Have local office bearers and encourage committee meetings.
e) Give full support to the association and see it becomes part of the national federation

Encouragement of research


a) Foster in the heads of schools and teachers a research mentality
b) Encourage Jesuits and lay teachers in our schools to do action research or take up full scale research projects
c) Make available important and relevant research papers to our schools.


“Rooted in Christ and in partnership with people of good will, transforming relationships and structures to build a society based on Compassion, Justice, Reconciliation and service.”