Dalit Apostolate


The dalit mission has adopted the Satsangh for presenting Christ to the dalits. Kirtans and Pravachans are the two major aspects of satsangh. The dalit ministry of the Province has a strong social dimension. Awareness camps are regularly organized in order to create awareness among the dalits who are at the bottom of the caste hierarchy. Several primary and middle schools are functioning in dalit villages supported by the Province. The Dalit mission has gone through significant changes. It started with relief work specifically focused on the Harijan world, initially to feed the hungry, engaging beneficiaries in affirmative action, land leveling, well digging, tank building etc. large scale CRS scheme driven economic activities, tile manufacturing, potatoes growing, goats rearing, bullocks sharing etc. were started to move from Relief to Development Approach. Night schools, adult literacy etc. were added as time went on. At this stage the focus was on evangelization as a result a few Dalit Satsangh villages were formed. Right now along with all aforementioned approach the consolidation works continues focusing on conscientization. But this approach was found wanting and a combination of Evangelization and Development approach was adopted. Along with the aforesaid activities conscientisation programmes gained momentum. Legal education and Legal support, setting up Dalit VikasSamitis and Community awareness creation were followed. Efforts were made to free the dalits from the belief in evil spirits.

Leadership training and creation of people's organization are the other major dimensions of our Socio- Pastoral Ministry. These dimensions aim at achieving our goal; finding God in their lives and a change of self-image that would help them to stand on their own foot. It would also enable them to cope up with the rapid changes that are taking place. A new self-image, self-respect, self-belief and self-reliance are the signs of our faith. It is a struggle for promotion of life, life in its fullness. Challenges: The twofold demons of Dalit Socitey: external and internal. The external demons are: - a) displacement created by the corporate sector with the help of the government, local administration, middle men and contractors. a) The oppressive caste system that makes the Dalit unctouchables, thus losing their aboriginal identity. c) The Mahajans and the feudal system that perpetuates the Master and slave relationship in society. The internal Demons are: - a) Alchoholism, b) Superstitious beliefs and practices include the fear of the evil spirits and witchcraft.

The Dalit apostolate has the following centers: A) Patra:Dalit - Vikas Kendra of St. John De Britto Began :- 1994
Director:- Fr. Christopher Kujur SJ
Asst. Director:- Fr. Alexander ToppoSj

The centre is spread over 65 villages with 14 Mass centers; 13 formal schools. The area is divided into 10 circles with 5 satsang villages. Monthly meetings are held in each circle. In particular the FCC Sisters have some activities like sending women for training programs, encouraging women to make small products at home, environment, health and hygiene programs at village levels and a dispensary and Grihini school at the centre with18 girls at present.

B) Chatra: Director :- Fr. Anthony Herbert SJ
A large space of the territory of the Province and the Diocese where the Church has no presence. The main focus is on Bhuiyas and Ganjhus. The main activities are Womens' Self Help Groups and non-formal education. Children are sent to mission schools.

C) Tarwa: Dalit Vikas Kendra of St. Joseph
Director:- Fr. Primus Kerketta SJ

Began:- 1980
Tarwa centre has 49 Dalit communities, 45 MahilaMandals with nearly 900 members, and an educational saving scheme, community health, health education, alternative remedies, immunization etc. The Centre has 05 Field Workers, 04 Untrained Teachers, 10 Trained Teachers, 2 Sisters and one Jesuit and 05 day schools, educating nearly 500 boys and girls. Tarwa centre school is up to 10th class.

D) Konar Village Extension (Dumar Centre):
Director :- Fr. ArunKujur SJ
Dumar centre has 20 Satsang villages. People find this as spiritual nourishment to their life. Through women's self-help groups the women are not only saving and financing for the daily needs but operating as instruments for solving many family as well social problems. There is an effort to form a Mahila Federation.
E) Prerana Resource Centre:
Began:- 1994
Superior:- Fr. Maniyathat k. Jose
Prerana Resource Centre and Prerana Outreach continues to promote education in rural areas, help and support its contact villages mainly in the remote areas of Hazaribag, Chatra, Ramgarh and Giridih districts. A series of meetings and seminars are conducted at the centre as well as in the villages and circles to create awareness about their socio-economic, educational and health situations in order to improve their level of existence. The main activities are Education of rural children, non-formal education, Promotion of women's self-help groups, (Promotion of Women's Organization), Satsangh, youth organization and Health care. There was a new dimension added to the Legal Help meted out by PRC after the shifting of the Alert Centre Hazaribag.